[PLUG] Warning: your password will expire in 0 days

Mike De La Mater mikedela at theplatinumrule.com
Thu Oct 9 21:00:02 UTC 2003

On Thu, 2003-10-09 at 11:08, Paul Heinlein wrote:
> > Any clues who's expiring my account/passwords?
> Try looking at /etc/shadow with the shadow(5) man page open. You'll
> probably want field 4 set to "0" and field 5 set to a big number like
> "99999."

Absolutely. I tweaked /etc/shadow and the issue ceased. That's a pretty
weird thing to me, I have no idea how the different users got set up so
differently. many were set to expire immediately, others 99999. I set
most of them at the same time with the same method. 

I usually set up new users with the GUI, having the user enter the
password right there, but these I did remotely with adduser and passwd.
I just looked at useradd and found how to set the defaults.

Thanks a bunch.

Mike De La Mater
Small Business Networks and Consulting
mikedela at ipns.com

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