[PLUG] Are there any spam simulators out there?

Mike De La Mater mikedela at theplatinumrule.com
Wed Oct 15 03:01:02 UTC 2003

On Tue, 2003-10-14 at 22:39, Keith Lofstrom wrote:
> So now the question is, are there any test tools that can turn a
> mbox file (or a Maildir directory) into messages feeding port 25?
> This isn't about training the tools, it is about seeing that all the
> tools are working together correctly and that they respond correctly
> to a burst of messages.  For this I need test generators.

So, you're saying that you're not interested in the training, but
testing the tools? Training is easy, cuz I used old mail, but to test on
real spam, I just wait a few days...

Mike De La Mater
Small Business Networks and Consulting
mikedela at ipns.com

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