[PLUG] Openoffice and my physics lab...

Michael C. Robinson michael at goose.robinson-west.com
Tue Oct 21 17:18:02 UTC 2003

Can openoffice put a 1" by 1" box grid on a section of a page for me
to graph on by hand?  

If created tables that have the ranges from releasing a ball from the
spring launcher we used at specified angles and compression.  Is there
a way for me to take the tables and generate scatter plots that relate
distance and angle?

Is there an easy way to take a six cell table and make it five cell
after the fact instead of merging the last two cells creating one
unsightly long cell? 

I ran into some kind of scatter but how to you map the correct table
to it?  For that matter, how do I map the correct part of a table
since portions of it are text fields?

     --  Michael C. Robinson

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