[PLUG] Many CVS questions

Steve Bonds 1s7k8uhcd001 at sneakemail.com
Wed Sep 3 11:26:01 UTC 2003

On 3 Sep 2003, Michael C. Robinson michael-at-goose.robinson-west.com |PDX
Linux| wrote:

> Can sftp be disabled be disabled by removing a line from sshd.config?
> I believe the line is subsystem=/usr/include/sftp-server.


> If I'm not mistaken, there's a way with CVS to indicate who can commit
> and who can just read the archive.

Unfortunately, the CVS pserver method is not encrypted, so it's generally
pretty simple to grab someone's password and impersonate them.

On our CVS system we use SSH and public key authentication with the
command that the key can run limited to "cvs server".  We use file
permissions to manage access.

The CygWin SSH client is pretty easy to install, but was definately the
hardest part of the Tortoise setup.

  -- Steve

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