[PLUG] Information sources on .Xresources and .Xdefaults

Paul Heinlein heinlein at madboa.com
Thu Sep 11 11:53:01 UTC 2003

On Thu, 11 Sep 2003, Rich Shepard wrote:

> There are no man pages for ~/..Xdefaults and ~/.Xresources.

Ewww, look what you stepped in. :-) X resource files are incredibly
opaque. Try this:

  egrep -isr 'xdefaults|xresources' /etc/*

That'll at least tell you what files will (and won't, as is the case
of Xfce) be using the user's and/or system-wide resource files.

There are a number of man pages that mention the files in question:
X(7x), xrdb(1), xinit(1), and xdm(1).

If you're using xfce4, then your .Xdefaults file isn't being read at
all. You'll have to invoke it yourself once per session, e.g.,

  xrdb ~/.Xdefaults

--Paul Heinlein <heinlein at madboa.com>

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