[PLUG] Next steps in Bayian SpamAssassin installation

Russ Johnson russj at dimstar.net
Wed Apr 7 21:18:01 UTC 2004

Paul Johnson wrote:

>Hmm, I noticed I now have a 7 day hole in my archive.  Moving
>~/mail-backup to my procmail directory and updating procmail's idea of
>where to back up has fixed it.
What do you mean when you say, "my procmail directory"??

I don't have a "procmail" or ".procmail" directory in my home directory. 
I have a .procmailrc, but that's the rules.

This brings up another question. When I set up a new rule to send mail 
to a new file, I have to touch the file in my ~/mail/ directory, or the 
mail doesn't get put where I want it.

It seems to me that procmail should be able to create these files. It 
changes to be me, as evidenced by the system log file.

Russ Johnson
Dimension 7/Stargate Online

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