[PLUG] ssh / window manager interaction land mine.

Paul Heinlein heinlein at madboa.com
Wed Jan 7 20:03:02 UTC 2004

On Wed, 7 Jan 2004, Russell Evans wrote:

> So why not
> ("remote-host1" (system "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -e ssh remote-host1")
> do you really need to use the xterm on the remote?


I auto-generate my xfce desktop menus with a bunch of host entries for
our network at work. The command portion ends up looking like

  xterm -T $host -n $host -e ssh $fqdnforhost

I like to user FQDNs rather than unqualified hostnames for ssh because
it's easier (for me, anyway) to wildcards in my ~/.ssh/config file,

  Host *.trusted.net
    ForwardAgent yes
    ForwardX11 yes
  Host *
    ForwardAgent no
    ForwardX11 no

-- Paul Heinlein <heinlein at madboa.com>

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