[PLUG] Runaway process

Steve Bonds 1s7k8uhcd001 at sneakemail.com
Fri Jan 23 14:22:01 UTC 2004

On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, Michael Montagne michael-at-themontagnes.com |PDX Linux| wrote:

> Not reiser, ext2.
> It also is not in D state. This is ps output:
> root      8532 81.9  0.1  1800  452 ?        R    12:58  31:52 rm -i -rf doug
> Weird, cause I also did not use the -i flag.  -f should force it
> anyways, I guess.

The "-i" comes from a RedHat default for root.  If you type "alais" it
will show you that "rm" has been aliased to "rm -i".  To avoid the alias
you can either use "-f" or use /bin/rm instead of just "rm".

> kill -9 8532 does not do anything.  There is no feedback whatsoever.

Is that process still accumulating CPU time?  If not, it's probably stuck
on an I/O somewhere.  (Though "ps" should have reflected that...)

  -- Steve

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