[PLUG] sony warrany

Jeme A Brelin jeme at brelin.net
Fri Jun 11 05:34:02 UTC 2004

On Thu, 10 Jun 2004, Chris Jantzen wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 10, 2004 at 06:00:08PM -0700, Karol Kulaga wrote:
> > Hey, I just spoke with a sony csr and apparently they do not
> > Honor their warranty on products purchased for less than 75% of
> > MSRP.
> >
> > What the fuck? Has anyone else run into this or is this some
> > BS that I am being fed?
> That doesn't even make any sense -- Sony's already received their money
> from your retailer. It's the retailer that took it in the shorts selling
> it to you, eh?

It does if they're trying to fight gray-market goods.  Sony sells the same
products for less in poorer countries than it does in wealtheir countries.
The price set is determined more by "what the market will bear" than by
the actual cost of production and distribution.  It's not uncommon to see
discount stores selling goods purchased in another nation and shipped to
the US for resale for a hefty profit that are still well below MSRP.  Sony
(and other multinationals) do whatever they can to discourage this
behavior (going so far as to sue resellers for trademark infringement, if
you can believe that).

Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if they DID have such a policy, but
covered it up and helped Karol anyway because of the fuss being made.

     Jeme A Brelin
    jeme at brelin.net
 [cc] counter-copyright

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