[PLUG] Internal DNS

Aaron Burt aaron at speakeasy.org
Mon Mar 29 16:42:02 UTC 2004

On Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 02:55:20PM -0800, Jeme A Brelin wrote:
> I find myself, for the first time in my experience, in need of internal
> DNS.  I have a local DNS server that is providing lookups for my clients
> and also doing primary service for the domains served out of the local
> datacenter.
> I need to have name resolution for internal hosts that do not have public
> addresses.

I'm all for separate nameservers and zone files for internal and
public.  The public nameserver stays outside the firewall and has no
info about the inside, and can be moved about as you like without
impacting internal services.

Internal machines go on a separate domain name or a subdomain, which is
set as the default domain name.

Sorry for not going into detail, late for class...

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