[PLUG] Got hacked last night - HELP!

Sandy Herring sandy at herring.org
Mon Oct 4 16:04:03 UTC 2004

On Mon, 04 Oct 2004, Bill Thoen wrote: 
> Well, lucky me. My RH 8 box got hacked again. That makes Linux just as 
> insecure as Windows. The only visible damage (so far) was that my home web 
> page got changed to "un-root crew ownz you."
> But what happened? There is nobody who should be creating users named 
> 'luis' or 'dudu', but here's what I have in /var/log/secure.1:
[...log snipped...]
> What else should I check? At the very least how do I keep out
> of my SSH system?
> - Bill Thoen

Is your version of SSH uptodate? (what does `ssh -V' output? 3.9p1 is
the latest). If not, get current...

    (see the README file)

What does your Protocol param in /etc/ssh/sshd_config permit? You should
only allow version 2... `man 5 sshd_config'.

The first thing you need to do is make certain you've closed any holes
in your ssh installation. You can keep unwanted visitors at bay via
tcp_wrappers. e.g.,

    #insert ip addresses you want to grant access via SSH
    sshd: 192.168.0. 

    sshd: ALL

This allows access via ssh to and anyone in the
192.168.0/24 (Class C) address space. `man 5 hosts_access' for more.

Sandy Herring, RHCE                        o              sandy at herring.org
Peck of Pickled Pisces               __  o               http://herring.org/
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