[PLUG] General Guilelines

MJang mike at mommabears.com
Wed Apr 27 20:09:07 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-04-27 at 11:18 -0700, Dan Haskell wrote:
> The unfortunate truth is that PLUG has no real rules. In the past, this 
> has allowed Rob, Michael, and others of their ilk to abuse and (sometimes) 
> drive away members. The solution we came up with was to hand referee power 
> to the listmaster - Wil.

I think even a simple statement to that effect could be helpful, e.g.,
that list moderation power is in Wil's hands, and he has the right to
stop any (non-Linux?) discussion with flame potential arbitrarily, etc.
and the power will be used frequently and quickly on any such


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