[PLUG] Multiple PHP's

Aaron Ten Clay aarontc at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 22:52:36 UTC 2005

On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 15:13:30 -0700, Matt Alexander <lowbassman at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a server running PHP 5.  PHP 5 has to stay.  However, I also
> need to install phpBB which doesn't work with PHP 5.  Is there a way
> to use two versions of PHP with Apache?  Maybe with a directory
> directive that only runs PHP 4 for the phpBB directory.  Or...?
> Thanks,
> ~M

I believe you can, assuming PHP is running as modules, have two directives like:

AddHandler php5-script php5
AddHandler php-script php4

Where php5 and php4 are the extensions of your files. Adjust
accordingly. Also note you may need an AddType text/html phpX
depending on your configuration.


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