[PLUG] Kill

Paul Heinlein heinlein at madboa.com
Mon Feb 28 18:04:32 UTC 2005

On Mon, 28 Feb 2005, Michael Montagne wrote:

> So I made a neato cron job that ran every minute and now it has 
> locked up my server.  It calls gs to make pdfs.  I have MANY gs 
> processes running but I can't kill them.  I tried "killall gs" and 
> "kill-9 22884"  the machine is so slow, every step takes 5 minutes. 
> How can I stop these things.

First off, stop crond. That'll give you some breathing room. Then kill 
the errant gs processes. Then edit your crontab to remove the job or, 
perhaps, reduce its frequency so you can observe it more closely. Then 
restart crond.

--Paul Heinlein <heinlein at madboa.com>

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