[PLUG] Hello from Maryland, Speakers Bureau

Evan Heidtmann clydefrog at adnap.no-ip.com
Thu Jul 14 05:20:27 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-07-13 at 19:41 -0700, Keith Lofstrom wrote:
> I'm visiting my wife's family near Baltimore.  I noticed that the
> Columbia area Linux Users Group was meeting, and that they did not
> have a speaker.  So I volunteered, and gave my Dirvish talk.  It was
> well received, about 20 people in attendance.
> A lot of LUG's find themselves without speakers, but I bet that there
> are many of us with prepared talks scattered around the country; with
> OSDL in the area, we probably get speakers visiting from all over.
> If we could connect potential visiting speakers with PLUG, I bet we
> could make Dave's and Allan's job a lot easier, and our meetings more
> interesting.
> Perhaps there is somebody who can set up a "Linux Speaker's Bureau".
> User groups that host speakers could put their meeting times and
> planned schedules up, while potential speakers (dozens from PLUG
> alone) could check their travel plans against the open slots and
> volunteer if they wish.  It would be a good way for the speakers to
> connect up with the locals and learn about Cool Stuff in the area.
> Any interest?

Sounds like a good idea. I can't help set it up, but it gets my +1.


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