[PLUG] Mounting USB "Thumb" Drive

Eric Wilhelm scratchcomputing at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 20:42:00 UTC 2005

# from Rich Shepard
# on Thursday 01 September 2005 15:15:

> However, ... Ed Sawicki to the rescue! The drive mounts when
> addressed as /dev/sdb1. I forgot all about trying different drive
> numbers, but Ed's note to me jogged my memory and this does seem
> familiar.

Note that the drive will move around when you unplug it and/or reboot.  
Either setup a rule in /etc/udev/<something> or *always* 
tail /var/log/messages while you plug it in to make sure that you're 
trying to mount the correct drive.

"But as to modern architecture, let us drop it and let us take
modernistic out and shoot it at sunrise."
--F.L. Wright

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