[PLUG] flash plugin and sound

Aaron Burt aaron at bavariati.org
Wed Aug 16 16:42:57 UTC 2006

On Tue, Aug 15, 2006 at 07:24:17PM -0700, Daniel Hedlund wrote:
> I have a simple script that I use to enable and disable the flash plugin 
> for Firefox that I normally keep as "~/bin/flash".  Unfortunately the 
> script isn't perfect and there are a few things I'd like to improve upon:
> - if you have sound playing when the flash plugin is first used on a web 
> page, you no longer have any sound support in flash until after you've 
> completely restarted Firefox.
> - when you disable the plugin, you have to restart Firefox for the 
> changes to take effect.  Enabling flash while the web browser is open is 
> okay and changes take effect immediately.

Have you considered using the Flashblock extension instead?  Flash
animations are disabled on a webpage until you actually click on them.
Same effect, no tedious scripting, loading/unloading and suchlike.

Or am I missing something?

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