[PLUG] WAV files?

alan alan at clueserver.org
Thu Jul 6 20:55:36 UTC 2006

On Thu, 6 Jul 2006, Aaron Ten Clay wrote:

> Perhaps this information would have been useful in the first post. Several others have replied, none of them hit the issue though.
> Your sound device is in use, or nonexistent. (/dev/dsp) This isn't a software or library issue. You may have another application using the sound device, or no driver loaded for your audio device. Most commonly this will be sound servers, like ESound or ARTS.
> Once you kill whatever is using the sound (since you can watch movies, the sound driver must work) the wave files will play. Riff wave audio requires no decoding to play, so there's no issue there.

This should help you find it.

/usr/sbin/lsof | grep /dev/dsp

Also try "ls -l /dev/dsp" and see if it is actually there.

This assumes you have lsof installed...

It could be that the module for the sound card is not getting loaded.

"I want to live just long enough to see them cut off Darl's head and
  stick it on a pike as a reminder to the next ten generations that some
  things come at too high a price. I would look up into his beady eyes and
  wave, like this... (*wave*!). Can your associates arrange that for me,
  Mr. McBride?"
                       - Vir "Flounder" Kotto, Sr. VP, IBM Empire.

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