[PLUG] AT Talk venue brainstorm

alan alan at clueserver.org
Fri Jul 7 17:15:43 UTC 2006

On Fri, 7 Jul 2006, Russell Senior wrote:

> As Keith brought up several times tonight, our venue for the Advanced
> Topics talks is going to be severely attenuated in the near future,
> due to monday night football crowds or what have you.
> Therefore, we are looking for some place new.  The primary
> considerations are:
>  a) free (or sponsored)
>  b) serves beer
b1) and cider
>  c) seat about 30 people
>  d) allow speakers to be heard
e) does not charge a fee for the space
f) is on the bus line for those of us that do not (or will not) drive

> If you know of a possibility, please follow up here with your
> suggestion (and whatever particulars you know or can find out).  Don't
> self-censor, blurt out your idea.  There'll be plenty of time to weed
> out the less worthy later on.
> In the past, we've held the AT meeting at: a) some sports place in
> Tualatin or something; b) It's a Beautiful Pizza; c) wall-of-alcohol
> place; d) Jax.

Paddy's would be nice, but they have no space.  (Greg needs to expand.)

> To get things started, I'll suggest a place I vaguely know about (Jeme
> suggested this the last time we were looking for a place):
>  Mississippi Pizza (on N. Mississippi Avenue).

Getting there would be a pain for me and others.

> Let 'er rip, people.

"I want to live just long enough to see them cut off Darl's head and
  stick it on a pike as a reminder to the next ten generations that some
  things come at too high a price. I would look up into his beady eyes and
  wave, like this... (*wave*!). Can your associates arrange that for me,
  Mr. McBride?"
                       - Vir "Flounder" Kotto, Sr. VP, IBM Empire.

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