[PLUG] Screwed

Michael Rasmussen mikeraz at patch.com
Mon Jun 19 20:52:45 UTC 2006

JJJ typed:
> Got home from the Clinic. Booted up, went to update my Breezy to
> Dapper. Started with Update Manager, but it said a couple dozen
> packages could not be updated unless I used "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"
> from the command line. I decided to use that option.

and from a previous message:
> OK, shutdown and go for a walk. Screw it. There will be smart people at
> the Clinic tomorrow.

Huh?  What?  Correct me if any of the following is incorrect.

You went to the clinic to get help with your install.  You then go home and decide
to, effectively,  rip out that install and replace it with a different one.

Why did you not stay with Breezy for awhile?
Why not use the computer rather than doing yet another upgrade?

A quick check of recent posts shows that problems are not new to you.  Why try
taking huge steps rather than little ones.  Like use the install from the clinic.
Like upgrade one, and only one, application at a time.  Like asking yourself "am I
really prepared to take this action?" and backing off when the answer is no.

These are serious questions.  I'm not trying to give you grief here.

Part of the adventure is accepting where it takes you.  If you can't accept the
destination then don't go on the trip or persevere until you get what you want.

   Michael Rasmussen, Portland, Ore, USA
  Be Appropriate && Follow Your Curiosity

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