[PLUG] A wiki for plug

Elliott Mitchell ehem at m5p.com
Tue Mar 21 06:44:40 UTC 2006

>From: merlyn at stonehenge.com (Randal L. Schwartz)
> One advantage of MediaWiki is that it seems to have nice features for "recent
> change patrol" people... who can watch for vandalism on their pages of
> interest, and the revert-to-prior versions is almost painless.
> Because, that needs to be your number two concern... what to do with vandals.

A particular type of vandal, mainly spammers, should be the number one
concern. Yes, there are active spambots out there that add tons of spammy
links onto Wikis. Any new and upcoming Internet thing needs to be
prepared to handle Spammers. Yes, they really are dirty enough to spam
*anything*. Just an issue of how large a target you need to be before
they start writing bots to attack.

(\___(\___(\______          --=> 8-) EHM <=--          ______/)___/)___/)
 \BS (    |         EHeM at gremlin.m5p.com PGP 8881EF59         |    )   /
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    \___\_|_/82 04 A1 3C C7 B1 37 2A*E3 6E 84 DA 97 4C 40 E6\_|_/___/

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