[PLUG] Package for OE, IN, AR, PU, AP, IC

Elliott Mitchell ehem at m5p.com
Mon Mar 27 18:39:59 UTC 2006

>From: Wil Cooley <wcooley at nakedape.cc>
> But the WHOIS information shows a location in Florida, spam-capital of
> the US.  He did, however, go through the trouble to sign-up with Mailman
> to post, so it's still kinda spammy but it's at least not bulk-spammy.
> I took the time to actually follow the login (it's not uncommon for
> demos of applications that usually require logins to have a demo login,
> instead of bypassing the login) and it is indeed an accounting package.
> Not exactly a pretty one and perhaps not marketed in an acceptable
> manner.

Modern spam bots have learned how to sign up for accounts. To my
knowledge they're not fully generalized, but many sufficiently popular
CGI programs have custom spam bots aimed at them.

Interesting how everyone's move to web-based messaging systems to avoid
spam, has merely brought spam to those systems. Now, will all those damn
fillout the web-based form to report problem things revert to e-mail?
Pretty, please?

(\___(\___(\______          --=> 8-) EHM <=--          ______/)___/)___/)
 \BS (    |         EHeM at gremlin.m5p.com PGP 8881EF59         |    )   /
  \_CS\   |  _____  -O #include <stddisclaimer.h> O-   _____  |   /  _/
    \___\_|_/82 04 A1 3C C7 B1 37 2A*E3 6E 84 DA 97 4C 40 E6\_|_/___/

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