[PLUG] mixing netmasks

Max slinkywizard at integraonline.com
Wed May 10 19:35:56 UTC 2006

> On Wed, 10 May 2006, Brian Beattie wrote:
>> Somebody I know is proposing to mix netmasks on the same physical
>> network.  That is to say all machines that are supposed to talk to each
>> other (servers and clients of those servers) would be in
>> Engineering machines (prototypes, machines under test) would be in
>> in the 10.1.2 range and engineering workstations, which
>> needed to talk to the servers and the test macnines would be in the
>> range with a netmask of

Could you elaboratle on "physical"? Perhaps he's using VLANS (Virtual
LANS) to segment the traffic. Using VLANS is common for such an activity,
as you get the benefit of broadcast isolation, which won't occur if you
are simply multinetting on the same LAN segment.


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