[PLUG] Modifying LC_TIME

Daniel Hedlund daniel at digitree.org
Mon Sep 25 23:14:10 UTC 2006


Rich Shepard wrote:
>   Firefox cannot find the server. Is this the correct URL?

Yeah, it's the correct URL.  I'm not really sure what is going on for 
you.  I'm pretty sure my DNS settings are correct because I've accessed 
the website from the Internet before and I've just double-checked with 
some online DNS lookup websites and they report back the correct 
information.  Try to ping projects.digitree.org and see if it can do a 
name resolution.  projects.digitree.org has been in my DNS records for 
at least a month.

For a temporary fix, try to add the following entry to your /etc/hosts 
file if the DNS resolution fails.  That should at least get you to the 
website to download the script:    projects.digitree.org

Let me know what you find out.


Daniel Hedlund
daniel at digitree.org

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