[PLUG] Helo policy...

Paul Heinlein heinlein at madboa.com
Wed Apr 4 17:39:49 UTC 2007

On Wed, 4 Apr 2007, Daniel Johnson wrote:

> The nice thing about rejecting mail immediately instead of down the 
> line with spamassassin is that the sender always gets feedback 
> instead of just a "why didn't you respond to my mail you jerk on the 
> phone a week later".  I find myself having to tweak, and retweak the 
> mail, and DNS servers frequently to satisfy the receiving servers 
> requirements.

Using sendmail -- which I realize isn't as fashionable these days as 
Postfix et al. -- SpamAssassin can be run as a milter. Its tests are 
run during the SMTP transaction and spam can be rejected with an SMTP 
550 message. The sending MTA, not the sending user, is notified of the 

Assuming the MTA is legit, and not merely a zombie bot, the right 
person will be told that the message wasn't delivered because it looks 
and smells like spam.

If the MTA is actually a bot, it might decide to try again, or it 
might just continue on its merry (?) way like a telemarketer after a 

Paul Heinlein <> heinlein at madboa.com <> http://www.madboa.com/

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