[PLUG] RPM Question

Galen Seitz galens at seitzassoc.com
Wed Dec 12 19:02:51 UTC 2007

Daniel.Roberts at sanofi-aventis.com wrote:
> Hello All
> On a redhat system..how can I figure out when rpm was last run?
> I am trying to figure out if someone besides myself is running RPM...or
> possibly how if at all a package which I thought got installed has now
> been removed ed..

This isn't exactly what you want, but it's a start.  This command will 
show all installed packages, sorted by install time.

rpm -qa --last

According to section of this document:
the following command will show a removal ID if one exists.

rpm -qa --qf "%-20{NAME} %-20{REMOVETID}\n"

I'm not sure whether to trust this.  I'm not seeing any removed 
packages on my system, which I don't believe is correct.  In fact, it 
looks as if the database that would contain this 
info(/var/lib/rpm/Removetid) does not exist on my Centos 4.5 system.


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