[PLUG] where can I get a sane KDE?

Russell Senior russell at personaltelco.net
Mon Feb 12 22:03:31 UTC 2007

>>>>> "Auke" == Auke Kok <sofar at foo-projects.org> writes:

Russell> xterm -geometry "39x9" -e watch cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state

Paul> Nice, and in all the right ways: command-line invocation of X
Paul> application with seldom-used option, a unix sequence that reads
Paul> like a sentence ("watch cat"), and something involving /proc. My
Paul> inner geek is war-whooping with delight. :-)

Why, thank you Paul for that compliment!

Auke> also, if you love your battery you'd at least add a timeout
Auke> that's more sane that 2secs to this command. There's no need to
Auke> monitor stuff like this every 2 seconds. A minute sounds more
Auke> reasonable to me.

Russell respondes to the criticism:

a) I don't love my battery, I reserve that emotion for living things;

b) (completely ignorant) is this hurting the battery somehow? if so,
   please explain;

c) but... i want to see how machine activity affects power consumption
   and finer granularity is better for that; and 

d) it's easier to type everytime without that option. ;-)

Russell Senior, Secretary
russell at personaltelco.net

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