[PLUG] This article on BSD...

Elliott Mitchell ehem at m5p.com
Sat Jan 27 02:20:13 UTC 2007

>From: merlyn at stonehenge.com (Randal L. Schwartz)
> >>>>> "Charlie" == Charlie Schluting <charlie at schluting.com> writes:
> Charlie> We use Solaris, not SunOS by the way. SunOS was BSD, Solaris is
> Charlie> System V.
> That may have been the casual division, but formally, the release that
> included SunOS 4 (BSD-based) was retitled Solaris 1 in retronaming, and SunOS
> 5 (SysV-based) was titled Solaris 2.  The reason for the casual naming is that
> SunOS 4 had never been "sold" under the Solaris 1 name (except on 386
> machines, if I recall), and so we sysadmins talked about "sunos" vs "solaris"
> to mean version 4 (bsd) vs version 5 (sysv), together with all the respective
> changes in the distro.
> So it's a SunOS 4 (or 5) operating system and a Solaris 1 (or 2) distro.
> Hence you're both right. :)

And some folks prefer to call it "SunOS 5.#" because that is what
`unamr -sr` reports. As such that is what you test for in scripts.

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    \___\_|_/82 04 A1 3C C7 B1 37 2A*E3 6E 84 DA 97 4C 40 E6\_|_/___/

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