[PLUG] tools for windows-haters?

Eric Wilhelm scratchcomputing at gmail.com
Sat Jul 14 08:49:09 UTC 2007

# from Rogan Creswick
# on Saturday 14 July 2007 12:02 am:

>Tab complete will come with bash, which will come with cygwin.  As I
>mentioned above, rxvt!

That is a bit better.  Thanks.

Now if I can just figure out how to get cygwin to *uninstall* anything.  
For some reason, cygperl came along with that, which will totally get 
in the way of things.

Do I really have to go through the list of thousands of packages and 
deselect things individually by clicking "the cycle glyph" (which 
causes dependencies to be re-selected, and ad-infinitum ack!)?

>AFAIK, there is no way to do window-by-window 
>redirection of MS apps to another host like X allows

While that would be super-nice, I mostly just need to be able to 
*launch* graphical apps (at all.)  I can do this with sshd if I 
configure the service to be able to access the desktop, but the 2s 
delay is a real bummer.

TightVNC with the dfmirage mirroring driver seems a bit better, but 
still painful.  Mostly just because cygwin's package manager is this 
horrid braindead gui.

>You *do* have the task manager open all the time, right? ;)

Yep!  They should have at least made some kind of remote BSOD console so 
I could exercise the right-pinky-finger-of-doom on it.  Managing 
runaway processes with a mouse is sort of silly when all of your 
processes routinely run away.

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--Sattinger's Law

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