[PLUG] Torrents of confusion

Dan Young danielmyoung at gmail.com
Sat Mar 17 01:08:28 UTC 2007

On 3/16/07, Alan Olsen <alan.olsen at gmail.com> wrote:
> 1) if you are saturating the upload speed, download speed will drop on DSL.
> Annoying, but true.  Seems to be just the way DSL works.

As Jason, said this is due to the limiting of ACKs; the deep queuing
of DSL plus the fact that its usually asymmetric in favor of down
speeds means the ACKs just don't get there fast enough. I usually just
limit BT uploads to ~75-90% of my DSL upload capacity with good
results for interactive performance (read: ssh and web browsing) and
thus maintain marital bliss.

This might help too:


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