[PLUG] best tool to convert a bitfield structure to #define?

Galen Seitz galens at seitzassoc.com
Fri Apr 11 18:19:04 UTC 2008

I need to convert a bunch of structures with bitfields to #defines. 
The structures describe hardware registers that I need to access via 
assembly code.  What tool would you use to do this, awk, perl, python, 
or something else?

struct ADCTRL1_BITS {     // bits  description
     Uint16  rsvd1:4;      // 3:0   reserved
     Uint16  SEQ_CASC:1;   // 4     Cascaded sequencer mode
     Uint16  SEQ_OVRD:1;   // 5     Sequencer override
     Uint16  CONT_RUN:1;   // 6     Continuous run
     Uint16  CPS:1;        // 7     ADC core clock pre-scalar
     Uint16  ACQ_PS:4;     // 11:8  Acquisition window size
     Uint16  SUSMOD:2;     // 13:12 Emulation suspend mode
     Uint16  RESET:1;      // 14    ADC reset
     Uint16  rsvd2:1;      // 15    reserved

needs to be converted to this:
#define ADCTRL1_SEQ_CASC  0x0010
#define ADCTRL1_SEQ_OVRD  0x0020
#define ADCTRL1_CONT_RUN  0x0040
#define ADCTRL1_CPS       0x0080
#define ADCTRL1_ACQ_PS    0x0100
#define ADCTRL1_SUSMOD    0x1000
#define ADCTRL1_RESET     0x4000

or perhaps this:
#define ADCTRL1_SEQ_CASC  4
#define ADCTRL1_SEQ_OVRD  5
#define ADCTRL1_CONT_RUN  6
#define ADCTRL1_CPS       7
#define ADCTRL1_ACQ_PS    8
#define ADCTRL1_SUSMOD    12
#define ADCTRL1_RESET     14

BTW, using information contained in the comments is not allowed, as 
the comments are not guaranteed to be correct.


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