[PLUG] What's Wrong With This IP Address?

Fred James fredjame at fredjame.cnc.net
Sun Apr 13 20:21:18 UTC 2008

Rich Shepard wrote:

>On Sun, 13 Apr 2008, Fred James wrote:
>>See below for more, but what is being said is that the host/IP is unknown.
>>$ host
>>Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
>   I got the same results with host, nslookup, and dig. So I must not have
>asked the correct question.
>   Since this was the only header (usually there are several between the
>originator and here), I did not think that it could be so completely spoofed
>as to leave no trail.
>   If a direct connection can be made with a spoofed IP address, is this the
>next form of spam with which we will need to deal?
Rich Shepard
Michael Rasmussen gave a better example of usage (see his post).  But to 
the question "If a direct connection can be made with a spoofed IP 
address ..." - this is email we are talking about, yes?  (a) It isn't 
new, and (b) it is possible the IP has no relationship to the actual 
point of origin.
Fred James

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