[PLUG] Creating linux based wireless access point, tips/pointers requested

Tim tim-pdxlug at sentinelchicken.org
Tue Feb 12 00:40:23 UTC 2008

> lol.  For me, it's "The Devil I Know" (TM).  I've used RH-based distros
> for a long time now...it actually is what I cut my teeth on when it
> comes to basic linux usage.
> My work also uses it (CentOS), so I've had no real external push away
> from RH/Fedora (in fact, I've spent the past several months moving more
> deeply into this version of the Dark Side, with the culmination just
> occurring recently: I'm a signed Fedora Contributor, working on my first
> official package).

Cool.  Well I've always been a fan of the Debian half of the Linux
distro tree. "Back in the day" Red Hat used to be such hell to manage
with package dependencies and such while Debian's was much better
thought through.  I'm sure they're quite a bit more similar nowadays
though in that regard.

> Hmmm...I'll have to keep that in mind.  I have room for more cards, so
> if I ever need to be a client also I may fore-go running it over the
> same card.  Mostly, I was thinking about running two access points over
> it: one secured/restricted with access to internal resources, the other
> open and throttled with access to only the outside world.

I haven't tried it, but my guess is that having two VAPs alone on an
Atheros card should work fine.  As you grown the number of VAPs, I would
question the quality of speed/reliability you'd get, but 2 is a pretty
small number.  I think the biggest VAP restrictions come into play when
you start using clients (STAs).  You may only be able to use one of
those at a time.  I think it's also chipset model dependent with regard
to the restrictions.

> Thanks for the tips.



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