[PLUG] What's the deal with man and info regarding rmdir -r

Victor Soich vsoich at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 01:38:05 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I was looking up how to use rmdir in man and info.  I was trying to
remove a directory, and it's subdirectories, and all the files.
Neither the man or info page for rmdir showed that the -r parameter,
or whatever you call the latter, as in rmdir -r, would do the trick.
Why is that?  Isn't the man or info page suppose to show that.  I did
a google search, and at the web site


it gave the example rmdir -r

So, isn't man and info suppose to be used to figure stuff like this out?

Also, what's the linux way of referring to the -r in rmdir -r.  Is it
parameter, tag, et. al.?


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