[PLUG] Finger Pointing

Kristian Erik Hermansen kristian.hermansen at gmail.com
Sun Feb 17 02:05:03 UTC 2008

On Feb 16, 2008 5:59 PM, John Jason Jordan <johnxj at comcast.net> wrote:
> I'm certainly not saying that closed source is as good as open source
> or that there are not huge advantages to open source. But I *am* saying
> that we should not paint everyone with the same brush. There are lots
> of good people in the closed source world and corporations are not all
> run by evil people.

Whether they are good or bad is not the issue :-)  It comes down to
dependency.  If you depend on closed-source vendors to fix your bugs,
it's like you are on crack, and they are the dealer...
Kristian Erik Hermansen
"It has been just so in all my inventions. The first step is an
intuition--and comes with a burst, then difficulties arise. This thing
gives out and then that--'Bugs'--as such little faults and
difficulties are called--show themselves and months of anxious
watching, study and labor are requisite before commercial success--or
failure--is certainly reached" -- Thomas Edison in a letter to
Theodore Puskas on November 18, 1878

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