[PLUG] Please explain SSHD log entry

Kristian Erik Hermansen kristian.hermansen at gmail.com
Sun Jan 20 16:35:09 UTC 2008

On Jan 20, 2008 8:15 AM, Rich Shepard <rshepard at appl-ecosys.com> wrote:
>    Now and then I see an entry in the sshd log that looks like this one:
> **Unmatched Entries**
> warning: /etc/hosts.allow, line 8: host name/address mismatch: != ns1.gloeblinks.com
>    Since /etc/hosts.allow -- particularly line 8 -- has neither that IP
> address (belongs to Electric Lightwave) nor that domain name, why do I get
> this warning? The only explanation that occurs to me is that the system
> recognized an unauthorized cracking attempt and prevented it, but did not
> have a better warning message to offer. Is that all it is?

It means that dns and reverse dns did not return the same info.  They
appeared to be separate hosts...
Kristian Erik Hermansen
"Know something about everything and everything about something."

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