[PLUG] Allow Users to Kill Process

Ian Burrell ianburrell at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 18:33:52 UTC 2008

On Jan 23, 2008 3:59 PM, Mark Turner <mturner at bendbulletin.com> wrote:
> I would love to use sudo, it is just not an option. We have some vendor
> provided sofware that uses a ncurses gui. From the gui as far as I can
> tell it tries to kill processes when users try to cancel "jobs". I
> cannot change the command used to kill the processes.... hence this
> email. It would be wonderful if I could just change it to use sudo
> /bin/kill rather then /bin/kill.

First, does it call the kill binary or use the kill system call?  If
it does the kill system call, you will have a harder time wrapping it.
 Probably have to use LD_PRELOAD libc wrapper.  Which kill binary does
it call?  One possibility is to replace the binary it calls with a
shell script that does "sudo /bin/kill.real".  If it just does "kill",
then setting the PATH like somebody suggested so it uses your wrapper
script will work.

BTW, you can configure sudo so that users in a group can only run
"kill".  You can even configure it so that they don't need to enter
their password.

 - Ian

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