[PLUG] Checking source-port randomization of your caching DNS server

Dan Young danielmyoung at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 18:39:55 UTC 2008

Assuming everybody's heard about the impending DNS doom by now:

Looking over our own systems, I found a tool to check the source port
randomization of your DNS resolver:

dig +short porttest.dns-oarc.net TXT
"<your nameserver ip> is GOOD: 26 queries in 0.5 seconds from 26 ports
with std dev 19481.67"

Some of our nameservers had explicitly set the source port in
named.conf w/ "query-source address * port 53;" so these were not
randomizing the source-port even after updating BIND. Commented those
out, of course. Probably worth checking your DNS servers even if
you've applied your distro's updates.


Dan Young

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