[PLUG] Boxes running different distros - was: We need more Linux

Mike Connors mconnors1 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 2 06:46:18 UTC 2009

Keith Lofstrom wrote:
> With decently fast hardware, you don't need a bunch of boxes - you
> can do this with virtual machines, just like the Big Kids that 
> develop distros.  I think it would be way cool to build a host
> with virtualized guests for every major distro out there.  It
> might need a terabit of RAM, but that would be cheaper and lower
> power than all the separate boxes.  At very least, you could
> load perhaps 16 virtuals at a time, and smoke test software
> in a lot of different distros automagically. 
True. I wasn't implying they would all be physical. Maybe a few physical boxes with a 
handful of VMs on ea. What's really nice about VM Ware is their community contributed 
appliances. I don't think Virtual Box supports this. Also, with VM Ware you can have 
comparable physical networking functionality between VM's with Cisco's dist. virt switch 
or Vyatta.  

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