[PLUG] A Subversion Question

Eric Wilhelm enobacon at gmail.com
Tue Dec 29 03:21:30 UTC 2009

# from Scott Garman
# on Monday 28 December 2009 11:28:

>>> svn export.
>> Ah!  Now that's stunningly obvious!
>While it was a simple question, I don't think it was a stupid one. If
>you don't know the term to describe something, that makes it a lot
>harder to find your answer online.

I have to give svn learnability points for `svn help` listing all of the 
possible commands (unlike `git help` which barely scratches the surface 
of what you see in `git-^I`.)

... unsustainable.  And that word means something -- it doesn't just 
mean "we don't like it".
--Michael Pollan

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