[PLUG] Saving terminal commands

Russell Senior russell at personaltelco.net
Wed Feb 4 21:55:34 UTC 2009

>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Mullen <pm at nellump.net> writes:

>> FWIW, I have taken to capturing build logs using script lately,
>> e.g.:
>> script -a -c 'make' build-foo.log

Paul> Another option is "tee":

Paul>     make yourtargethere 2>&1 | tee build-foo.log

Paul> That'll capture STDOUT and STDERR, displaying both while saving
Paul> them to the log file. TMTOWTDI!

That's probably the more traditional way, but (maybe I'm an idiot ...
strike that, I *am* an idiot, at least in this particular way) I seem
to recall seeing some buffering artifacts doing it that way.  That is,
STDOUT and STDERR buffer up lines and dump them potentially out of
sequence.  The nice thing I think I am getting with the script
approach is that I get output as it's emitted without the buffering.

Maybe I am just doing something dumb, or remembering (or
misremembering) from the caveman days.

Russell Senior, Secretary
russell at personaltelco.net

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