[PLUG] Logs and Reporting ... Again -- FIXED

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Thu Mar 26 13:33:38 UTC 2009

On Thu, 26 Mar 2009, Heath Morrison wrote:

> It's an odd thing, this script. I don't have the 1pflogsumm cron script,
> but I do have pflogsumm on one of my machines, and it doesn't have any of
> this "# ---Begin" or "# ---End" stuff in it. It seems kind of odd to rely
> on sed cutting to work around Date::Calc problems, too.


   A-ha! The log reports problem is all part of the procmail issue!!

   Yesterday, I added this recipe to the bottom of ~/procmail/recipes.rc:

* ^TO_rshepard at appl-ecosys.com

   This morning, the postfix (1pflogsumm) summary report was in my personal
file ... both from root's crontab (at 00:02am) and from /etc/cron.daily (at
04:40am). Also, the netgear firewall's security report was also there, along
with a message direct from Heath.

   I suspect that if messages from the individuals at gte.net and the other
domains that suddenly went AWOL were resent, they'd appear in my personal
file, too. However, I don't want to ask this of them until I'm certain the
problem has been resolved, and I want to fix this procmail issue for all
incoming messages.

   There is no procmail mail list any more. The hosting domain in Germany is
gone. I have an authentication issue with slrn trying to connect to
news.aracnet.com and I'm waiting for their tech support to reply to my
message on that before finding a mail-related Usenet group.

   This is certainly well above my knowledge of mail systems. Procmail
reports the message delivered to /var/spool/mail/rshepard, but it's not
there. Where'd it go, and why?

   Let's close this thread and focus on the procmail one.



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