[PLUG] phpldapadmin

Russell Johnson russj at dimstar.net
Mon Mar 30 15:27:09 UTC 2009

I've installed phpldapadmin in my never ending quest to confuse the  
hell out of myself.

openldap is working fine. I have one of my systems authenticating via  
ldap, and it seems to be working fine.

I can log into phpldapadmin as any of the users on the system. They  
have read only access. This is how it's supposed to be.

I can not for the life if me figure out how to log in as an admin of  
the ldap directory. So far, I can add, delete, query and modify  
records from the command line, and view them in phpldapadmin.

I have the Manager account set up in openldap as outline on this page: http://www.server-world.info/en/note?os=ce5&p=ldap

If someone knows where the magic is hiding, I'm all ears. I've  
googled, scoured both the openldap and phpldapadmin sites, but can't  
seem to add an administrative user.

Thanks in advance!

Russell Johnson
russj at dimstar.net

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