[PLUG] Market for new computer

Tim Wescott tim at wescottdesign.com
Fri May 8 03:21:09 UTC 2009

Denis Heidtmann wrote:
> My current computer has major problems (hard drive failure I expect.)
> I am limping along now using a SLAX live CD.
> The MB has had issues in the past, so now is the time to upgrade from
> PATA to SATA, and other more modern stuff.
> I seem to recall that there were mentioned here a few Linux-friendly
> businesses selling computers.  A pointer in the right direction would
> be appreciated.
If you care for mail order, I like System76.  It's who I went to when I 
wanted a guarantee-to-work Linux laptop (on which I'm writing this mail).

They _only_ do Linux (AFIAK they only do Ubuntu, but you'll have to 
check that), and for their laptops at least they publish drivers for the 
odds and bobs that may not be in the distro.  The one time I needed 
customer support they were very responsive, and they appear to have a 
nice lineup.

Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services
Voice: 503-631-7815
Cell:  503-349-8432

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