[PLUG] Dumb script question

John Jason Jordan johnxj at comcast.net
Mon Apr 19 02:55:31 UTC 2010

I have a desktop computer (Intrepid x86_64) that runs for months and
months and is never rebooted. (All it does is play the radio and and the
occasional movie, and act as a backup in case I seriously goober up my
laptop.) I noticed this afternoon that its time was off by five
minutes. I know that I can reset the time from an NTP server by
rebooting, but that is a pain. Google told me that I can reset the time

ntpdate 0.pool.ntp.org
hwclock --systohc

So I decided to use my amazing knowledge of bash scripting learned at
the recent class to create a little script with an icon next to the
clock display in the Gnome panel. My script is:

#! /bin/bash
su #'cause only root can set the time
ntpdate 0.pool.ntp.org
hwclock --systohc

When I try to run it as jjj it asks for root password, I enter it,
and then I get an authentication error. If I change to root first and
then run it, it runs fine, and without prompting for root password.

It must be the su line. How do I make a script run as root? Or can I
fiddle with the permissions so jjj has permission to set the time, then
just remove the su line from the script and forget about running it as

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