[PLUG] Sorta OT -- Good book on web site positioning

Tim Wescott tim at wescottdesign.com
Tue Apr 27 19:02:34 UTC 2010

I've let my web site rot a bit -- when I started the business six years 
ago I would regularly show up in relevant searches.  Now Google has 
changed their algorithms, and I'm not popping up with the regularity I'd 
like -- and I'm seeing a proportional decline in new clients.

(What really sucks is that Google _used_ to put considerable weight on 
newsgroup postings, so all I had to do was stay active on newsgroups, 
answering questions that were interesting and within my competence, and 
business would come to me.  No more, alas).

So -- does anyone have recommendations for books on positioning a web 
site to come up in searches?  I'm not interested in learning how to be 
an HTML jockey -- I already know that.  I'm not interested in learning 
how to do any super-zoot high performance active web site design -- I 
don't have time for that (and I think it detracts from what I do).  What 
I /do/ want to know is how I can get my site to come up when folks go 
searching for people who do the sort of work that I do, hopefully 
without having to pay Google big bundles of bribe money.

I've found a few pointers, but this seems to be a book-length subject, 
so I'd kinda like to get a good hunk of dead tree that I can curl up 
with and study in the evenings when I have nothing better to do than 
take care of future business.


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services
Voice: 503-631-7815
Cell:  503-349-8432

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