[PLUG] Network configuration for Ubuntu 10.04

Russell Senior russell at personaltelco.net
Tue Nov 2 07:58:28 UTC 2010

>>>>> "Mike" == Mike Connors <mconnors1 at gmail.com> writes:

Mike> I don't run Ubuntu so I can guide you through whatever network
Mike> management tool you're using. However any of those GUI
Mike> front-ends are going to read/write from/to the
Mike> "/etc/network/interfaces" file.

I don't think that is correct.  NetworkManager doesn't really do
/etc/network/interfaces.  The only interface in my 10.10 install's
/etc/network/interfaces is for loopback.  NM does its own thing.

Also, the cool kids use the iproute utility these days.
ifconfig/route are soooo yesterday.  



Russell Senior, President
russell at personaltelco.net

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