[PLUG] Authentication denied: User doesn't exist 521

John Jason Jordan johnxj at comcast.net
Thu Nov 4 17:47:08 UTC 2010

On Wed, 3 Nov 2010 22:52:26 -0700
John Jason Jordan <johnxj at comcast.net> dijo:

>I just upgraded Fedora 11 x86_64 to Fedora 13 x86_64 using the DVD.
>Actually, I tried to upgrade to Fedora 14, but the Fedora 14 DVD
>informed me that it could only do two versions. Using the decimal
>arithmetic I learned in kindergarten, I quickly calculated that it
>would work if I used a Fedora 13 DVD. Indeed, the Fedora 13 DVD worked
>However, after the install a number of programs will not launch.
>Frequently I get the error message "Authentication denied: User doesn't
>exist 521."

The problem is more or less resolved. I haven't seen the error message
since yesterday sometime.

As far as I can tell the problem was due to a massive number of
packages that the upgrade from Fedora 11 to Fedora 13 failed to
upgrade, including lots of dependencies. 

Using Yumex I have been going through the list and updating all the
packages that it says need updating. I am up to k, except for a few
that will not update due to missing dependencies. 

For some reason Yumex displays the updatable packages in alphabetical
order, except Virtualbox-OSE and Virtualbox-OSE-guest, which it lists
at the top of the list. And those two refuse to update; each says the
other is a dependency and it can't update either without the other. Nor
will Yumex uninstall either one.

I have most of my installed apps working, except for Virtualbox-OSE.,
which will not launch. There are a couple others that will not launch
as well, but I'll work on them later. I need Virtualbox only a couple
times a month, but when I need it I really need it.

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