[PLUG] Setting up ftp for access through port 80

Daniel Pittman daniel at rimspace.net
Wed Apr 13 21:58:45 UTC 2011

On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 10:04, Daniel Herrington
<dherrington at robertmarktech.com> wrote:

> I generally work in corporate environments that are behind firewalls. I
> have documentation that I create and need to copy locally or upload
> remotely. Lately, companies have been restricting usb devices to read
> only so getting information back to my ubuntu laptop has been proving
> more and more difficult.

Other people have been telling you how this can be done; my question
is: are you sure you want to?

If the company is putting more and more restrictions between you and
the machine you want to send the data to, they are probably not doing
that *accidentally* or anything.  Which means that your work-arounds
here are breaking deliberately placed rules, which is, y'know, at
least a written caution offence, and maybe grounds for immediate

For example, in my last job where you doing for unrelated data would
potentially still have cost us the right to work with the government
on health data for five years, taking half our revenue stream away in
a shot?  Ouch.  The company would *not* be impressed.

> I was using Google Sites for a while, but the 20mb limitation kicks in
> on large docs with screen shots. Does anyone know how to setup a web
> server with similar functionality to the file upload features of
> providers like Yahoo and Google? Do they just ftp through port 80?

No, they upload to port 80.  Which requires appropriate software at
the server end, which is actually surprisingly hard to come by.

⎋ Puppet Labs Developer – http://puppetlabs.com
✉ Daniel Pittman <daniel at rimspace.net>
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