[PLUG] Internet addictions and technology.

Tim tim-pdxlug at sentinelchicken.org
Mon Feb 14 20:40:04 UTC 2011

Can you explain to me how this is on-topic?


On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 12:33:49PM -0800, Michael C. Robinson wrote:
> I'm not sure the fifties were as clean as people think.
> I don't have cable television, don't want it.
> DSL modem is bridged, can't solve the problem there.  Besides, Opus
> threw out the specs for the modem and how to program it a long time
> ago.  This is pre the modem is a wireless hot spot, so no I don't
> want a new one.
> I think anyone who says self control is the only thing is missing
> something about addiction.  Addiction topples self control and personal
> values.  The best thing a soon to be addict can do is tell on themselves
> and take steps to reduce temptation.  As far as are there cross cultural
> values of what is acceptable and what isn't, yes there are.  These
> values may not go far enough, but they are a place to start.  I would
> like to see the acceptance in society of promiscuity and porn turn
> around.  This acceptance fuels the sex trade which is very real.
> As far as gambling goes, online gambling is dangerous and perfect for
> would be addicts who want to slip under the radar.
> One can say, people who look at porn or gamble online just want to
> create a problem for themselves.  This is a very cynical view where I
> take a somewhat different one.  I think we need to examine the supply
> side more and not look at the consumer so much.  Porn viewing and online
> gambling are social events.  These events involve potentially millions
> of people.  The potential negative effects can be widespread.  Turning a
> blind eye because someone may not share my values, where ultimately does
> that lead to?  I'm not a pluralist, I reject the notion that all schools
> of thought and all value systems are equal.  What kind of society do we
> want to live in?  Do we want the kind of society where promiscuity,
> conspicuous gambling, alcohol abuse, and drug abuse in general run
> rampant?  This is where our media society is, I sure hope our real world
> society isn't.  But when does what happens in the virtual world matter
> in the real world?
> As far as imposing values goes, society imposes many necessary values on
> us in order to function.  Why is child porn widely condemned?  Why is
> murder in most societies considered a grevious act?  Why is there legal
> verses illegal gambling?  Why are payday loan places regulated?  To not
> elevate society preserving values above contradictory value systems is
> problematic at best, disastrous worst case.  Following society
> preserving values starts in the home where Internet addictions can take
> hold.  I don't see using technology to fight addiction as babysitting.
> I don't see self control as the end all be all.  Self control is the
> ultimate solution, but failing to address the direction of society and
> the supply side of the problem is a terrible mistake we should not make.

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